Men generally regard the past as better than the present. In prose or verse great writers have placed the golden age in the past. 

There are some reasons behind this habit of mind. As men grow up, they cast a longing, lingering look behind. 

They love to cherish the sweet memories of their early days. As regards the far-off past our knowledge is limited. 

Details of hardship and suffering are not always recorded in history and are, therefore, unknown to us. Again nobody quarrels with the dead. The past is dead and gone. 

Our personal emotions and prejudices are rarely stirred by an event distant in time. Moreover, this viewed from a distance appear charming. The ugly sports in them are hidden from sight. 

That is why men in general are inclined to look upon the past as golden. Contrasted with the past the present surrounds us on all sides. 

We actually experience the toil, sweat and tears of our age ; we like something, while we dislike some other thing. 

We live in the present and are affected by the happenings of today. So the dark side of the present age attracts our notice. Naturally we think that the present is leaden, a bad time.