To start a Non Governmental Organization or Voluntary organization does not begin and end one stage. The registration under Society Registration Act,1860 (India) entails following points:-

1) The Form
The form is available from the Office of the Register in State Capital or Districts (Guidelines and instruction for completing the form is included)

2) Filling up the Form
Any group of seven or more members desirous of working for any charitable purpose or cause may, by subscribing their names to a memorandum of association and filling the same with the Register of Societies or any other officer appointed under the Act by the state Government can form a society.

 The Memorandum of Association should contain the following particulars:

a) Name and address of the association: While selection the name of the organization, care should be taken that it is simple, short and comprehensible and also reflects the objective of the organization. Also, the proposed name should not be identical to that of any other organization should be included to be approved as the registered office.

The signature of the applicant office bearers on Memorandum of Association have to be attested by witnesses. The Memorandum of Association prepared in the manner indicated above and signed by seven or more persons sponsoring the organization and should be submitted along with the proscribed fees, to the Register who will record the name of the society.

In most states, the District Magistrate is authorized to do so.

b) Purpose : The board aims and objectives for which the organization has been set up should be clearly stated.

c) Membership requirements: The document shall also indicate the qualifications for becoming members of the organization, that may be based upon financial provisions, minimum age, special interest and contribution in the programme.

d) Other Particulars : It should also contain aspects such as Board of Directors, Office Bearers, Elections, Sub Committees, Meetings, Official year, Amendments to the Constitution, Finances, Maintenance and operation of bank accounts; Assets and Dissolution.

3) Legal Assistance :
The filing and subsequent registration at the Office of Register involves drafting of the Memorandum of Association and Rules and regulations in a way that protects both the members and the organization from legal issues and difficulties that may arise in future. Also, all suits by or against the society shall be commenced or defended in the registered name of the society. Thus, it is advisable to take legal assistance in the process of formulation of the document and filling it to the Registrar.

4) Final Stage
The organization would file with the Register of the Societies, a memorandum showing the name of the society, its objects, names and address and occupations of the members of the governing body accompanied with rules and regulations and a copy of proceeding of the general meeting at which it was resolved to get the society registered.

The Memorandum prepared in this format and signed by the seven or more members sponsoring the organization would be submitted to the Registrar with the prescribed fee. She/He would record the name of the society under the Act and issue the certificate of registration. The registered body would have to submit the annual list of managing committee members and other information as required by the Act to the Registrar. Upon registration, all properties, movable and immovable, will become the property of the society, and all suits by or against the society will be commenced or defended in the registered name of the society.

Conclusion and other issues to be noted:

I) Type of Registration

a) Local / State level : Desirous persons subscribing the names to the Memorandum of Association should not be (in any case) less than seven.

b) National level : If the society proposes to give national character to the organization, there must be minimum eight different persons from different states of Indian union as signatories of the Memorandum of Association.

II) Membership 

* The names, addresses, occupations and the designations of the present members of the Governing Council and subscribers to the Memorandum is required with their signatures witnessed / attested.

* Local and National membership depends also on the scale of operations of organization.

* Membership fees: There can be different types of members depending upon the amount they contribute to the organization, such as life members, special members, annual members, active members, contributing members etc.

Tags: Registration process of NGO, NGO Registration, VO Registration, edik odik ngo registration, registration of association, documents required for ngo registration, NGO type of registration, ngo membership, ngo purpose and registration.

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