How to get NGO Funds?

It is big question that how will you get funds for your NGO? After working with some reputed NGOs at various places, the administrator of the association and institutions has a daily thinking that how they receive funding from different sources for their NGO? Not only that huge nos. of organisations fully collapsed due to unavailability of funds. Lots of persons activity started NGO or association where they get started their good activities, services for community with a great vision. But funding is a big factor which make them unfortunate and finally they release the activities which they started.

Funding is not the ultimatum for NGO. Its necessary for run smoothly of your organisation professionally. It necessary for implement a good project under your organisation.

Let's here I am trying to give you some suggestions that you can not only run your association smoothly but you will get fund from notable institutions.

Before starting here the main points for your organisation you have to check the following documents that your organisation have or not?

Main documents :

Registration certificate of your organisation
Memorandum of association
Audited reports
Annual activity reports
Bank account
PAN card of the organisation
Organisation renewal from concern Govt. Department.

Additional documents:

GST registration
Organizational policy
Organizational labour policy
Child policy

If the above mentioned documents already exist of your ororganisation then its ok. But try to prepare the documents as early as possible if you have crazy about your noble services. One thing keep in your mind that the community is vulnerable and you and your organisation is valuable for such community.


Communication and liaison:

Communion is the best way for the organisation before the mass. It is not so easy. One to one communication and one to more communication will grow your organisation rapidly. Keep liason with the Government officials and political personal with scheduled intervals. The documented profile should be submitted to the reputed persons who will assist your organisation you may know them well. Some time it is found that in crisis moment you may be called for an urgent activities. Only you are not capable for communicate with so many persons, your organizational personal should maintain a good lioson with them also. 


Make a social status: 

Social media is the best channel to generate communication with more people about your organisation. So first of all develop a website and publish your all organizational information at the website. You may be open a Facebook page and YouTube channel where every activities you taken up through your organisation to be shared through photo documentation or video documentation with proper caption.


Trained of volunteers and workers:

Collect some enthusiastic youths voluntary working for your organisation. Initially the volunteers will work without remuneration. You have to motivate them for the upliftment of your community.


Arrangements of training:

Give training in different aspects of social problems to your workers and volunteers. If it is not possible then you have to manage with other organisation or Government agencies who will give training your workers and volunteers.


Arrangements and attendance of various meeting:

To grow your organisation various types of meeting is mostly useful. Intra organizational meeting with volunteers and social workers must be arranged within a month to review the activities taken up for total year. As well as the proper planning and future assignments to be kept before the general members, volunteers and social workers in the meeting. You may be called meeting with local stakeholders like Government officials, Political leaders, local influencing persons to raise the issues or problems in a particular area and way out the strategy. Try to attend each and every meeting or advice your co-worker to attend which called addressing your institution. 


Cultural programme:

The community engagement will increase if the NGO arrange some cultural activities within the society. The workers and volunteers may be involved in different cultural programmes as well as religious programme where the messages of different social issues to be shared among the society through various channel of communication like drama, folk song, religious song, instrumental music, debates, miking etc

Different people has different problems. In daily life all are struggling for foods, shelter, health, education etc. The people need relaxation and entertainment after his hard work. So if the organisation is arranging programme the mass will very pleased and enjoy with their full of heart.


Involvement of Government programmes:

Huge no of Government schemes are running for the social, economical and cultural benefits for individual and group. If it is possible a list to be prepared of the beneficiaries from your NGO end. Maintain a lioson with different influencing persons like Panchayats, Government personnel to provide maximum benefits for listed individual or groups. It a simple example that if you want to sanction the loan of your local Self Help Group then the task of your NGO is to influence the Panchayats, BDO office and Bank.


Preparation of annual planning:

Arrange a meeting with all of your NGO workers and chalk out a plan of action which to be properly documented.


Represent Organizational activities to media:

The current news of the association must be share with the media like local TV channels, Newsprint, Social media etc. The propaganda will vastly circulated within the area which your organisation actually under worked through the media.


Listing funding organisation and applying online as well as offline periodically.

A list of NGO and the addresss, ph no, email id, website name to be listed down and applying in various time online and offline mode.


Involve your community people, children, schools and other community organisations

If possible the below mentioned ququestions to be prepared because some time is required for funders.

Name of the organization
No. of years organization has been working with the community?
When was your organisation set up and when did it begin to operate?

What are the main activities of your organisation at Present?

Dose your organization believes in good governance?

How you ensure proper utilization of funds?

What are the sources of funding in your Organization?

Who will benefit from your proposed work and how do you know the work is needed?

What difference do you want your proposed work to make and how will your organization achieve this?

So develop your organisation's strength, the funders will search you and your organisation. You don't need to searching funders.

NGO Funding edik-odik , YouFestive

Organisation Funding edik odik, YouFestive

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